Beginner's Guide to Supplementation

Beginner's Guide to Supplementation

Now more than ever, nutrition has become a greater topic of discussion as more and more people seek to be healthier versions of themselves. 

Can we get more out of nutrition?

Can we become healthier? 

Can we do more than just eating our way to health? 

 Well, the short answer to that is, yes! Once you’ve got a solid exercise regime and eating habits, an equally solid supplement plan will only enhance your ability to be healthier and  stronger. With all the hype in the supplement industry, it’s easy to get confused on what supplements you should be taking. 

 While it’s true that most nutrients can be obtained from food, we wanted to show you some highly-studied supplements that can serve as a strong nutritional foundation you can stand on to becoming the best version of yourself. 



With the highly-processed nature of many foods we tend to consume on a daily basis, we are likely to miss out on all the vitamins and minerals our body needs. That’s where a quality multivitamin comes in. They contain almost, if not all of the necessary essential nutrients we may be missing out on in our daily diets — think of them as a daily guarantee that your body is getting what it needs to keep you up and running.  

Effective multivitamins should contain the basic vitamins such as B2, C, K, D, and CoQ10. There are several different types of variations, however, you want to make sure that whichever shortfalls you have come from a diagnosis from your healthcare provider. From there, you will be able to search for the multivitamin that covers your specific needs.

 Overall Benefits

  • Heart Health Support†
  • Highly Absorbable Nutrients†
  • Enhances Protein Metabolism† 
  • Energy and Immune Support†


Vitamin D

Every time we look there is yet another news story regarding the importance of Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D’s primary function is to help the body absorb calcium. Your body must have vitamin D to absorb calcium and promote bone growth [1]. Therefore, too little Vitamin D can result in soft and fragile bones. 

Vitamin D is also known to play a significant role in immune health. We know this is crucial especially for the upcoming fall and winter season that usually comes with a few days buried in tissues. Vitamin D can help support a healthy immune system by making sure the immune cells fighting to protect you are healthy and functioning properly. Boosting your immune system is one of the key things you can do to prevent feeling under the weather the whole season. Essentially, health comes from the inside out and Vitamin D is a great place to start. 

Overall Benefits

  • Helps Maintain Strong Bones†
  • Provides Immunity Support†
  • Supports Dental Health†
  • Promotes Happy Mood†


Omega 3 Fish Oil  

Fish oil’s numerous benefits come from its high levels of omega 3 fatty acids, which are necessary for human health but aren’t made by the body. Omega-3 acids are mostly found in oily fish such as salmon, eggs, grass-fed beef, and nuts. In Paleolithic times, omega-3 fats were found more abundantly in numerous animals, however, preservation methods and reduced soil quality has led to today's animal products typically containing fewer total omega-3 fatty acids. However, getting the required amount is usually not satisfied with food as it requires high amounts so supplementation of this product can prove very beneficial.  

Overall Benefits

  • Promotes Heart, Joint, Brain, and Eye Health†
  • Promotes Healthy Skin and Memory†
  • Improves Overall Health and Mood† 



Probiotics are live microorganisms that increase the number of good bacteria in your gut, helping keep your body healthy and your microbiome regular. Many people say that your gut is like your second brain, and if something goes wrong, you will usually feel it from the inside out either through digestive issues, weak energy levels, or immune health deficiencies. Not all probiotics are the same, however, as different strains of the bacteria have different effects. For example, some strains target digestive issues while other have been shown to have an impact on skin and immune health.  

The most commonly studied strains are those of the Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus family strains. Experts believe that these strains have great potential in terms of supporting immune function, regulating gastrointestinal processes, and balancing effects of antibiotics can have on gut health [2].

Overall Benefits

  • Supports Digestive Health†
  • Restores Natural Balance† 
  • Provides Immune System Benefits†

We at BioSchwartz hopes that you found value in our beginner’s guide to supplements. We take pride in maintaining transparency when it comes to products. From the ingredients we use to the way we use them, we’re confident that with this information and our products, you will be able to achieve your health and wellness goals. We encourage you to leave us a comment and let us know any other questions you may have regarding our products, wellness, or other things you would like to see!


†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.